Step 9: Chairs and Entrances

So This is what the Last Expansion was all about!
It was all to get this guy in the right place.

Once I had the Entrances properly spaced around the stadium, It was also time for some chairs!

The Bottom sections are the Reds,
the Blue and Grey (Nosebleeds) sections are on the upper balcony.

When I Add the VIP seats those will be mostly the same, though broken up into boxes.
That will be done sometime in the future.

That is all for now!
Step 10 was to add Exterior Details: These include, Exterior Walls, Entrances and emergency exits, Elevator shafts, player and VIP entrances and a Loading Dock at the back of the stadium.
I haven't taken screen shots of those yet, but I will shortly and will post them up soon!