Step 6: Sudden Expansion! (2nd Balcony)

Now the observant among you may have noticed that the last image in step 5 had an extra level in the stands.

See when I create, my Designs evolve while I am building them, Changing as I add a feature or fix a fault.

while I was building the last corner in the first version of the Stands, I realized that I had completely forgotten the Box Seats and Press Level! I couldn't leave out the VIP Section! so I started another prototype section to see how a mini balcony would look under the top one.

About this time, I got tired of running back and forth drawing lines to build the stands, so at this point I added Cut and Paste to the macros on my G13 keypad and started using templates.
That made the sudden Expansion go MUCH Faster than you would think.

Before Long I was back to finishing the Corners. This time with a 2nd Balcony in the Mix!

As I've said, My Designs are fluid; When I had finished the first expansion of the Stands, I stood on top and realized that you couldn't see the whole field from that vantage point.
So Once again I tested a section of stands, this time with a steeper angle of ascent. this took away some space for chairs, but gave a couple extra steps. and added another floor to the height of the stadium.

On To Step 7!